SITE Architecture as Art, Pierre Restany & Bruno Zevi
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St. Martins Press, 1980. Softcover. 112 pages. 28 x 14 cm. Text in English. Used. VG · Little bump at cover and first white endpaper lost. In a world of disparity, indeterminacy, and change it has become meaningless for architecture to persist as a celebration of inflexible services or extraneous institutions -and, even worse, as a celebration of itself. We presently lack the cultural estate and unifying ideals necessary to sustain these early 20th-century principles with any degree of urgency or confidence. As an alternative SITE proposes that, if architecture is to regain its status as a meaningful public art, it should be questioned in most of its prevailing definitions in order to become more responsive to the diversity, complexity, and subconscious motivations of our pluralist society.