Christiania Plaketer 1971-78, N/A
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Information, 1978. Softcover. 143 pages. 30 x 23,5 cm. Text in Danish. Used. VG · Cover G+, two pieces of adhesive tape and former owner's name written on first page. Inside is VG, shows signs of wear. A hippie utopia in the middle of Denmark’s Copenhagen that it was founded as a breakaway anarchist commune in 1971, formed by an  activist community that operated independently. And here an important document about Christiania. Their people produced many posters from fall 1971 to spring 1978, and this book displays those multicoloured offset and silkscreen posters including some hand painted ones, as well as photographs and drawings. These posters were an expression of the constant struggle for survival and the external pressure that Christiania had to go through. In addition, it contains a text explaining the posters’ background, written by people who were deeply involved from the beginning of this amazing community.